Condo Sofa and Temple Furniture 

Sale NOW THRU September 17, 2022

(click image below for sale items)


In addition to the custom order sale below, which applies only to our Condo Sofa designs and designs by Temple Furniture, we have many floor models and clearance items available.  Standard discounts apply on Best chairs (5% off for two or more) and any custom dining order (10% off when ordering a minumum of 4 chairs and a table together).

Discounts apply to ORDERS placed through the end of day September 17, 2022 for Condo Sofa upholstery designs and Temple Furniture only:

10% off Temple and Condo Sofa orders 

  • Average production lead time for orders without any custom changes is around 15 weeks not including holidays; home delivery may add a week or two to the lead time: we do not promise delivery dates. Custom changes add to lead times and are subject to factory approval; discounts exclude custom changes.  
  • Custom changes and leather require longer lead times and higher deposits. Leather may require a sample leather approval.
  • All orders are built on demand; no returns, exchanges, or refunds; cancelled orders forfeit deposit.
  • Delivery may be deferred up to 6 months, but deposit must be paid when order is submitted, factory may build orders to fill production capacity
  • Multiple items must ship together and deliver to one address to be eligible for discount.
  • If specific dimensions or delivery dates are requested, we need this in writing on our sales order form. 
  • These sales order discounts are not to be used in combination with other discount or sale offers.
  • Floor model and clearance items are often one of a kind, please note some items may not leave until the end of our sale.
  • We do not ship floor models or clearance items outside our local delivery area
  • Some floor models may not leave during the sale, please ask if we can let a piece go before its replacement arrives. With the super long lead times, most items that can leave the store now have already been purchased.  Floor models importnat to generating orders must stay. 
  • Clearance and certain deeply discounted items are clearly marked "cash, check or debit only"; checks must clear before merchandise leaves the store.
  • No clearance or floor models held without minimum 50% nonrefundable deposit; remaining balance & arrangements for delivery/pickup must be made within 2 weeks of deposit or purchase.
  • Floor models and discounted stock items (including any and all clearance items) are sold AS-IS, as a FINAL SALE, no exchanges, refunds or returns allowed.
  • If a sold floor model is damaged after a deposit is made, we will make our best effort to repair or replace, depending on availability.

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