Products on this website range in price and quality. Our real ability to provide “boots on the ground” service is limited geographically to where we can reasonably travel to provide quality service. If your furniture is within our local service area, we will honor warranty terms of each product’s maker to provide the best possible service. Each product is produced by a specific manufacturer or small shop, and carries with it the warranty of that maker. See warranty details for each item on that product’s web page. Any service we provide beyond the letter of the manufacturer’s warranty is solely at our discretion.


As a micro business with 3-5 employees in Southern Maine, warranties are limited by what we can realistically do for consumers located far from our store. If furniture purchased from us is taken or delivered outside our local service area, all warranty coverage is limited to what assistance we can reasonably provide. We absolutely want to help you get the most out of your furniture, but in many cases, your help is required to locate local professionals, obtain estimates, decide which is best, and cover all expenses not covered under warranty, including packing and shipping furniture to be repaired at the manufacturer, if that should be necessary. Because we often can’t determine the full extent of repairs required without being on site, and because you may not be sufficiently qualified or willing to diagnose what is needed without a furniture technician’s help, we will do all we can to assist, but cannot be solely responsible for finding the right resources and managing the proper course of action. Our role would be supportive, but your schedule and execution of research and follow through would be vital to an acceptable outcome.